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Empowering web tools for the small business

Business to Internet

Empowering web tools for the small business

B2IshoppingCart B2IshoppingCart

The B2IshoppingCart is a complete solution that can be customized for any specification given. The shopping cart has a suite of B2IwebTools that controls everything from the categorized items to invoice manager to inventory control.

B2IshoppingCart Shipping APIs Shipping APIs available for integration:

B2IshoppingCart Shipping APIs Payment processing gateways available for integration:

B2IshoppingCart Catalog Tool Catalog Tool

The catalog tool allows the site operator to create as many categories as needed. These categories can be ordered and published/unpublished. Items can be added to categories and an image file upload will automativally generate the main and thumbnail images.

B2IshoppingCart Invoice Manager Invoice Manager

The invoice manager tool tracks your orders and invoices generated by the website with searching capability of your invoices and customer contact info.

B2IshoppingCart Inventory Control Inventory Control

Set the initial quantity of inventory per item and let the system do the rest. As items are purchased from the shopping cart, the quantity sold is subtracted from the amount in stock. When the item is no longer in stock, the system automatically removes the item from the website and sends an email notification to the site operator.

At Bags End Web Design
Empowering web tools for the small business
At Bags End Web Design
Empowering web tools for the small business